Arrest success chance largely depends on Social skill, but is negatively affected by Manipulation penalties. The chance of success depends on their Arrest Success Chance, and will be displayed on the prompt. The colonist will then walk up to the target and attempt a capture. To arrest a colonist, guest, ally, or slave, you need to draft a colonist and select the target to capture.Raiders in particular have a chance to die whenever they are downed from pain but not other causes, such as psychic shock lance, blood loss, etc.Raiders, berserk pawns, and former prisoners in a prison break are unable to be captured directly.Select a colonist, and right click the future prisoner. Downed pawns can be captured with 100% success, without drafting a pawn.The gameplay steps required to capture a pawn depends on their state: In order to capture any prisoner, you need a valid prison, which is enclosed and has an open bed or sleeping spot (See #Prisons below). Enemies will also target prisoners if their factions are enemies. If the caravan enters a loaded map (such as an ambush), the prisoner will wander around idily, and may walk into the crossfire. When inside a caravan, the prisoner will never try and escape unless its part of a mental break. If they can walk, they can carry 35 kg worth of items, like your colonists. Unwavering loyalty can be disabled in the storyteller settings. They are otherwise the same as regular prisoners, including the ability to become a slave. In addition, they are unable to be converted to a different ideoligion. Unwaveringly loyal prisoners are unable to be recruited to your colony, and do not have resistance to lower. Colonists assigned to either Warden or Doctoring can feed a prisoner in medical rest. A prisoner's medical settings, as well as defaults for all prisoners, can be adjusted in their Health tab.Ĭolonists assigned to Warden can interact with a prisoner in multiple different ways, including delivering food and recruitment. Otherwise, wardens will bring any food allowed by their food restrictions. Mobile prisoners can use a nutrient paste dispenser that faces into their prison. They eat the food with the best mood buff that they can reach, ignoring food restrictions. A prisoner that can move will wear the most comfortable clothing placed in their cell. While inside your colony, they will try to leave if there is an opening, such as a hole in the wall or a held open door, including if it is held open because of an item inside. Prisoners cannot open doors if not undergoing a prison break. Prisoners retain their faction allegiance imprisoned colonists who are released will immediately rejoin the colony, while other prisoners will try and leave the map. They are confined to their cell, and will not do work. This includes a need for food and the chance for mental breaks. They have no Recreation needs, but all other needs and most moodlets apply to them. Prisoners are ordinary pawns under restraint.